Elisabeth Lambert

Elisabeth's love affair with Japan began ten years ago. Having lived in both Osaka and Tokyo, she finds herself drawn to how the country’s traditions and processes manage to exist amongst the over-the-top wackiness for which modern-day Japan is notorious. Dividing her time with her husband and two young children between Tokyo and Melbourne, she regularly writes for print and online magazines in both countries, and is on a mission to save the English-speaking world from bad grammar. Elisabeth also loves a good bottle of bubbles, and is working on her first novel, although she tries her best not to combine the two.

Articles By Elisabeth

Kanji Cheat Sheet: General Appliances

Quick poll for the savvy women of Tokyo: Hands up how many of us operate kanji-covered household appliances through sheer guesswork? Moving to and setting...

May 25, 2016 | Lifestyle

Three of Tokyo’s Best Winter Illuminations

In Japan, you know Christmas is getting closer when illumination displays and festivals start lighting up the country. While some illuminations are now massive events...

November 29, 2013 | Lifestyle

Matsuri Madness: Autumn 2013

Although summer is officially over, the myriad of festivals occurring in and around Tokyo hasn’t diminished. In fact, the new season brings with it a...

October 7, 2013 | Families, Lifestyle

Five Free iPhone Apps for Foreigners in Tokyo

Japan is one of the most Smartphone-saturated countries in the world, and most of us gaijin are just as guilty of app addiction as our...

September 25, 2013 | Lifestyle

Day Care Options in Japan

Much has been made of Prime Minister Abe's plan to do away with childcare waiting lists in Japan by adding spots for 400,000 children by...

September 19, 2013 | Families

Choosing a Stroller for Use in Tokyo

Buying a stroller or buggy to use in Tokyo comes with its own set of specific considerations. With packed trains, lots of stairs, small retail...

September 12, 2013 | Families