Stars Over Tokyo Feb 2017

Is Love In The Air For Your Sign This Valentine's Day?

By Cathy Moe
February 13, 2017

Looking for love or inspiration this Valentine's Day? Want to let go of past entanglements or embrace what the future holds? Here's what heavens have in store for you this month.

Only interested in reading your own ‘scope? Clink on your sign below.

CAPRICORN (Jan 19 – Feb 15)
AQUARIUS (Feb 16 – Mar 11)
PISCES (Mar 12 – Apr 18)
ARIES (Apr 19 – May 13)
TAURUS (May 14 – June 19)
GEMINI (June 20 – July 20)
CANCER (July 21 – Aug 9)
LEO (Aug 10 – Sep 10)
VIRGO (Sep 11 – Oct 30)
LIBRA (Oct 31 – Nov 22)
SCORPIO (Nov 23 – Nov 29)
OPHIUCHUS (Nov 30 – Dec 17)
SAGITTARIUS (Dec 18 – Jan 18)


CAPRICORN January 19 – February 15

Color: Lilac fern
Sound: Briskly flowing stream
Daily Antidote: Jumping jacks

In the time it takes to readjust yourself, you’ve breezed into a new era. If you’ve jumped signs, you’re now covering what was Aquarian terrain. No one said it would be easy. After all, you’re traversing mature soul territory. All in one lifetime! Your focus is changing. Even if you wanted it to be what it was, events and circumstances won’t allow it. You become more spiritually based as the material world isn’t what it used to be. The layers of the onion just keeping peeling back.

You can still have a great time on Valentine’s Day! The Sun sextiles Saturn, specifically shining on your ruling planet. You don’t even need a significant other to taste the hope and peruse the beauty as you navigate oh-so-many rows of chocolate hearts. Picturing your future as you do this, it’s easy to imagine how your thoughtful gifts may help another person feel cared for. If you are in the midst of a two-can-tango triumph, you’re likely to choose an upscale, expensive chocolate (or one that just looks like it)!  You like the way your purchases mirror your feelings.

Then Mercury sextiles Mars and a quick retort or sexy response sets up a new way of communicating. On Feb. 20, Mercury and Uranus spark off each other, in need of excitement, with rewards for risk-taking on the 21st. You might use the Everytrail app to get closer to nature or just “get away.” Watch for the break-up and make-up aspect on Feb. 26. It’s magnetic, enticing and explosive. This is a month to stand your ground — even if others back down.

AQUARIUS February 16 – March 11

Color: Roseberry jam
Sound: Eureka!
Daily Antidote: Glitter glue

It’s not always a piece of cake to move from one sign to another, but this is the lifetime you’ll do it. The majority of you were once a Pisces, swimming in the currents of intuition, enjoying mystical realms and practical telepathy. Now you’ve been thrown into strange plains of cool, detached logic. Which holds more empathy? Which makes more sense? Are you feeling forced into a joshiryoku takai (woman’s role) — does it feel OK?

Valentine’s Day shows what you’re aiming at. If you want to have a target, that is. Who, or how many, is probably your only question. Aquarius has a tendency to attract a number of admirers who would like your (chocolate) heart. The Sun is sextile Saturn, so your sense of self is strengthened by making your attentions known. Then again, if you’re in a relationship, you’ll probably keep your focus on honmei choco — and enjoying the rewards that come with it.

Two days later, you’re dealing with information absolutely streaming. You can practice juggling your reactions during the Mercury sextile Uranus aspect on the 20th. Whatever you decide, it’s likely to be redefined by higher forces that keep you in the flow, but won’t always let you direct it. To assuage frustrations, a walk through Mori Art Museum or a visit to Yushima Tenmangu shrine can pull you out of unwanted daily limits. Until the 26th, of course, when Mars conjuncts Uranus and the fireworks begin.

PISCES March 12 – April 18

Color: Violet pearl
Sound: Window opening
Daily Antidote: Dreams of sushi

Being more than one sign in the same lifetime does take juggling skills. Many of you were formerly Aries, hot as hot can be. Now you’re flung into celestial skies of watery emotions, merging your boundaries with more mystical realms. This can be a good thing, of course. It gives you a chance to feel into your choices, making decisions based on things others can’t yet see. Though some may think you ‘don’t get it’, you’re actually ahead of the curve.

February 14th is traditionally a Piscean-style affair, with romance, hearts, and shy innuendo everywhere. Valentine’s Day 2017 offers the Sun sextile Saturn in starry alignment. You can be who you are and still stay grounded as Pisces’ depths fill any empty spaces inside. Chocolate hearts and home-baked cookies are a treasure to bestow upon those who wait for your gentle invitation.

Then two days later, Mars sextiles Mercury and someone has an important message to share. You’ll be able to hear it, just in time, as this aspect assists communication. On February 20th, Uranus and Mercury dance with the joy of two minds merging, each bringing the other to a higher perspective. Make space in the midst of your too-busy schedule, as on the 26th, Mars connects to Uranus and brings a dazzling twist to your already mapped-out plans.

ARIES April 19 – May 13

Color: Racy red
Sound: Hummingbird wings
Daily Antidote: Massage your temples

Moving into new awareness can be daunting. You know you don’t want to go where you’ve gone before. You’d like to move forward, but where? How? February is a bit like this. Things seem stuck and out of reach. When touched, they flow through your fingers, dissolving all at once. It’s just a psychic clearing-out. The neutral cool of winter sets you up to make room for forget-me- not inspiration and the promise of Spring.

Valentine’s Day, the Sun is sextile Saturn. This brings an opening of the heart, and a safe space in which to do it. You might want to spend time at Crayon House, hearing children’s laughter, and give your system a break by eating organic. Or take a walk through Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall, to view Flowers by Naked. Two days later, it may seem like everything is “all go” — Mercury and Mars can’t wait to race ahead.

Then on the 20th, Mercury accepts a dance with Uranus, and what you agreed upon changes into something unrecognizable. Keep the faith. The very next day, as Mercury trines Jupiter, you receive a major blessing, or hear it’s about to happen, which feels almost as nice. Avoid battering-ram personalities on the 22nd, so you can stay awake for the break-up and make-up that Mars and Uranus put you through the last days of this month. Choose bright colors to ward off the blues, and you’ll turn a corner as you wiggle into your lighter, happier self!

TAURUS May 14 – June 19

Color: Mandarin orange
Sound: Sigh of ecstasy
Daily Antidote: Favorite scarf

You could eat your way to heaven, and still not have the comfort that a hug can bring. The question in February is, whose energy is worthy to share yours? While you’re busy rock climbing at B-Pump in Akihabara or restructuring your hair with natural products at Organic & Hair Design Canna, the answer is likely to float through your mind. That’s because you’re freeing your thoughts to arrange themselves the way they see fit (and they tend to have your best interests at heart when you let them drift in the clouds a bit.)

Valentine’s Day can cost you, so consider the ins and outs of what this hearts and flowers promotion is all about. What is the difference between a kiss on the cheek or one on the lips? Can you learn to make your own chocolate confections and find the right shaped molds in just a couple of days to stay solvent? It’s unlikely you’d place yourself in a sticky wicket! Make the impression you want to make, whether it’s sprayed-on gold, metallic silver, race car red or shy violet and pink. You can always worry about the finances later. (That’s what you usually do, right?)

Right after this epiphany, you’re likely to up the ante as Mercury sextiles Mars. You may hear exactly what you’ve been hoping for. It’s worth keeping your mind on the prize. By Feb. 20, Mercury and Uranus could whirl you away on a roller-coaster of emotions (just to keep you on your toes). But the very next day, with Mercury trine Jupiter, there’s a reward in store for your efforts. Soothe yourself in a hot bubble bath or find flexible childcare to live out your wildest dreams, if only for an hour or two. The end of the month is still a glitter-red ride. You can’t make this stuff up. You’ll get through it as you put your trust in yourself.

GEMINI June 20 – July 20

Color: Light through honey
Sound: Fairy chimes
Daily Antidote: Blink 10 times

You can restore the power of your core and February is the month to do it. Since you’ve been there before, you body has a sense memory to connect with. If this is your first time, congratulate yourself on your courage as you unravel the strings of hesitation. Letting someone else be your reflection can be dangerous. Upgrade your strength by holding your opinion as the one that works for you.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be hard work. You might like it to be a pink and fluffy day, but you may also decide you need a little jibun choco — just in case you have too many hearts to share. Geminis have a way of attracting admirers, and you wouldn’t want any of them to think you haven’t noticed! Whether you’re a Prince Park girl, a Park Hyatt princess or a “meet me at Yoyogi Park” casual type, let this be a romantic memory you can reflect on for drinks or dinner.

Two days later, your mind speeds along at an impressive rate. Mercury winds up Mars and the two race off.  You may think you’ve come up with some answers, and you’re right. Then on, Feb. 20, Mars goes over the top with a sextile aspect to Uranus. What does this mean? It can signal the beginning of a whole new relationship, the reworking of one in progress or the inception of a business idea that will keep you excited for some time to come. The next day, you’re rewarded for your insights. Watch for an auspicious expansion as February comes to a close!

CANCER July 21 – August 9

Color: Winter sunset
Sound: Birds on branches
Daily Antidote: Wiggle your toes

People have a tendency to lean on Cancers. They really do. You, as the Moonchild, have an almost always-ready shoulder to cry on, a cup of hot tea to offer or a soup to warm the spirits. However, since many of you used to be a Leo, it’s unlikely you’ll find this the most comfortable demand made of late. You’re probably still stretching your haunches to absorb the new placement you’ve been given, right up there with the other celestial luminaries.

So when it comes to Valentine’s Day, you may notice a larger-than-usual following. Their expectations have grown overnight, possibly without your permission. Probably, in fact. Your empathy merges and blends as you choose between milk and dark chocolate, or luscious cocoa butter white. Silver sparkles too flashy? But silver has a healing quality, often found in rings around the Moon.

On the 16th, Mercury sextiles Mars. You get to hear how all this went over, or at least receive a message to clear up any doubts. Then on Feb. 20, Mercury excites Uranus, and an unexpected social event can have you soaring. Whether you’re a Tapas Molecular Bar Mama or a traditional teppan Ukai-tei Omotesando gourmand, how you respond affects the bonus of the Mercury trine Jupiter aspect the very next day. The closing of February is a break-up and make-up Mars-Uranus special, so treat yourself to a chocolate facial head of time!

LEO August 10 – September 10

Color: Sparkling Champagne
Sound: Lioness roar
Daily Antidote: Coconut coffee cream

Ruby red and bubbly in glasses, what do you wish for this month? February offers moments of stillness, but don’t worry — they won’t last long. What was poignant and deep one week ago becomes a glimpse of the past as you speed past the bumps, adding a hint of glamor to romantic challenges. After all, Leo rules the heart and if until recently you were a Virgo, you may find this quite illogical. Still, the possibilities are electric, and so are you!

Valentine’s Day, 2017 — ah, if only everyone could entertain or receive invitations in the enviable way you do. On Feb. 14, the Sun sextiles Saturn. Which means your ruling planet races to make sure you enjoy this “follow your heart” aspect. Chocolates aside, you see your pursuit as nothing less than an art form. Ultimately, you could find “the one,” meet your soulmate or choose to work on your list until you know who is really worth your while.

On Feb. 16, Mercury sextiles Mars. This is a heavenly aspect which brings a message to you — and fast! Then on the Feb. 20, what you thought had moved quickly goes into hyperspeed. Whoa, slow down! But you won’t, and that’s great, because Mercury trines Jupiter the next day. There’s more communication than you may want, but it’s rather fulfilling, so you may as well soak it up. When you’re saturated, the Mars-Uranus connection at the end of February gives you a break-up or make-up opportunity. Which one will you take? (Both?)

VIRGO September 11 – October 30

Color: Wild wintergreen
Sound: Fragile buds opening
Daily Antidote: Massage your knees

Hello, Virgo. If previously you were a Libra or a Scorpio, now you’ve found the sky’s mathematical equivalent of, say, a properly layered jello shot. (The colors are your choice with red, white and teal recommended.) Does February seem only slightly more progressive than walking backwards? If so, it’s understandable. You’ve hardly had time to adjust to your new zodiac surroundings, and winter hits.

Let’s be honest. A new sign could work for you. Whether you were a Virgo all along or you’re just getting your water wings wet, you can practice your acts of chocolate discretion for a special someone on Valentine’s Day. Perhaps a trip to the new Kit Kat Chocolatory will resolve any yes/no, on/off drama you’ve been wrung through lately. No drama? Everything smooth? Then be sure to purchase some choco, as this month definitely will not follow the rules.

Mercury connects to Mars in a persuasive way just after Valentine’s. You may find yourself saying and doing things once considered the enclave of those who weren’t really your type. Of course, you’re still dipping your chocolate-covered toes in astrological alignment. It takes time to uncover who you’ve become. Once there, your efforts are rewarded. Especially when Mercury trines Jupiter on the 21st. Something you’ve wished for is on its way in. February’s last days then boomerang with the Mars-Uranus conjunction. Quickly shift tots’ tempers to treats and baby back rubs, keeping home life stable.

LIBRA October 31 – November 22

Color: Touka blue
Sound: Sigh of relief
Daily Antidote: Hand clap/shift of energy

Do what you choose in February, as your true work is on the inner planes. The expression on the outer planes is merely a funhouse distortion. You won’t buy into the exaggerations of those who live unexamined lives. You are in the process of reserving your energy to restore yourself, and anything left over, you’ll think about.

Valentine’s Day is the same. It doesn’t matter that you have a big heart, which you do, or that you are ruled by Venus. You’re connected to a full light spectrum of love on  Feb. 14. The Sun is sextile to Saturn on this day and you are in the process of stabilizing your sense of self. You know your worth, and if it is not recognized by those nearby, this will soon change. Simply put, your environment is about to morph, so get ready. You’ll always have exquisite taste, so choosing the most beautiful chocolate hearts and candy, well, is clearly a piece of cake.

What you hear as Mercury sextiles Mars on February 16th energizes you. You’re more ready to take on a new “spiritual life” assignment as Mercury sextiles Uranus on the Feb. 20. Things are in magnetic flux and no one is happier to see colors drawn outside the lines than you! Your efforts are rewarded the 23rd, with a possible stumbling block on the 26th. Chalk it up to another reason to wear your feng shui money earrings or take a quick trip to Ginza to see your smiling face reflected as you walk past your favorite shop windows.

SCORPIO November 23 – November 29

Color:  Lapis lazuli
Sound: Key in lock
Daily Antidote: Insight timer app

You don’t need more caffeine. You don’t need more promises or apologies or fantasies for the future. What you need is a hug, and as a Scorpio, you’re unlikely to ask for one. Scorpios have X-ray vision, but they don’t want others to see through them. So if you’re feeling vulnerable, chalk it up to being thrown into a whole new sign, when just recently you were a happy-go-lucky Sagittarius. Where did those days go?

The truth is, your new sign will get you where you want to be. You’ll dig deeper to get the facts for all of humanity, if you have to. The Sun sextiles Saturn on Valentine’s Day. If you want to play mysterious muse (which Scorpios are famous for) on Feb. 14, you certainly can but with Saturn there, someone is likely to pin you down. The best part is, once you stop resisting your deepest fears, the ones where you get annihilated by an unknown force, the sooner you build what your secret hopes have been whispering non-stop.

As the Feb. 16 of the month arrives, your sugar highs are replaced by Mars sextile Mercury. You can say out loud what you have on your mind and survive it. In the past, as a Sagittarius, it wasn’t “the done thing,” but as a Scorpio, you can be as sexy and sensual as you like — and be taken seriously! The 20th is a twist and turn day, followed by the break-up and make-up Mars -Uranus combustion on Feb. 26. For some reason, this energizes you down to your sub-atomic particles.

OPHIUCHUS November 30 – December 17

Color:  Chocolate heart rose
Sound: Aha
Daily Antidote:  Love in your auric field

You’re an unknown quantity, a new sign on the scene. No one knows what to do with you, you’re an existential dream. Create your own job description. Be anything you like — and insist it’s written in the stars. In truth, Ophiuchus is known for trust, honesty, inner confidence and healing abilities. You require moments of tranquility to pull this off. Find a way to allow your body and mind to relax, bringing peace to your spirit. A quiet and reliable type, you have your own flash of brilliance, which rises to the surface under pressure.

Valentine’s Day could be just that for you — Ophiuchus for lovers. Naturally curious, you may have so many irons in the fire that they have now turned into more than a little honmei choco. Can your finances handle this? How many chocolate hearts equal one Ophiuchus? It’s time for a bit (or a lot) of jibun choco to help soothe your nervous system and steady your decisions. The Sun is sextile Saturn on this day. You may be feeling a bit glow-in-the-dark, but then, you’re being recognized for the star sign you are!

As Mercury sextiles Mars on the Feb. 16, your mind may begin to race. How to reel in all this power, or express it? Shopping is always an option. Whether it’s Shinjuku, Shibuya or Omotesando, you can find what you need and still have time for a strawberry tart before you catch the train home. You’ll need it, as on the 20th and 26th there are surprises in store. (You’ll have to morph to absorb them completely.) Just another day in the life of Ophiuchus!

SAGITTARIUS December 18 – January 18

Color: Star bright yellow
Sound: Blowing up balloons
Daily Antidote: Your happy thoughts

If you’re secretly still a Sagittarius or are dropping in to read how you’d be doing, rest assured that those leaving Capricorn to join this fire sign really need the break. Someone has to see the gift in the present or your sound would be “long sigh.” It’s unusual to change signs in one lifetime, but then again these are extraordinary times. Your spirit and soul can definitely straddle more than one constellation as you comfortably sink into Sagittarius’ vision for your transition.

Valentine’s Day is not something you’d write home about. Whaaat? It’s not that it doesn’t come up with a few sparklers! It’s just that you’re too busy experiencing it to sit down and put it into words. The Sun sextiles Saturn on this day. You have the power to invite your sweetheart to feel secure in the midst of all this sugar madness. Remember — you’re dealing with a five hearts card over diamonds, at least for the month of February! (Your charm tumbles over your desire to seek something new.)

Then on Feb. 16, Mercury sextiles Mars. The mode you’ve created to survive others’ denials drops right off the edge of a dream. You can’t get there from here, yet somehow you still think you should. That’s where Mercury sextile Uranus on the 20th comes in, undoing what you’ve heard before, so you can enjoy the rewarding Mercury trine Jupiter aspect the very next day. Not convinced, or not sure what that means? That’s ok — Feb. 26 you’ll feel the sensations that show how your plans can change in an instant. They’re making way for something you’ll enjoy far more.

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