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5 Ways To Survive The Rainy Season in Japan

Take On Tsuyu And Win

By The Savvy Team
June 26, 2024

The dreaded rainy season is here, but we have the answers to survive it!

Whether it’s unpredictable downpours, moldy futons, steamy train cars, or Albert Einstein-inspired hair, tsuyu (the rainy season) in Japan has many downsides. Thankfully, there are some easy ways to make it through to summer with a bit of preparation and a whole lot of waterproofing.

Here are Savvy’s five ways of surviving the rainy season in Japan.

1. Invest In A Pair Of Rain Boots

Woman having fun on the street after the rain. Cropped woman wearing rain rubber boots and yellow raincoat walking into puddle with water splash and drops. Fall weather. Selective focus.© Photo by iStock: OKrasyuk

Hundreds of shoes are lost in the daily deluge that sees the streets turn into the flood scene from every recent disaster movie, coupled with the constant scent of Eau de Damp Footwear. We’ve seen Birkenstocks, leather heels and even Crocs give up before we’ve managed to wade to the office. It’s time to invest in a decent pair of quality rain boots that will save you time and avoid the unnecessary loss of half of your shoe collection.

Most, if not all, Japanese shoe stores will start selling a range of water-resistant rubber boots from May with the cheapest starting around ¥3,000 all the way up to ¥75,000 (yikes!) for a branded pair like Hunters. It’s a good idea to shop around, and you might find a better deal online at Rakuten or Amazon.

These foldable rubber boots (¥7,480), designed for the fashion-conscious rice farmer, have been making the internet rounds for a while. Okay, they’re not cheap, but this is an investment, right?

2. Find The Right Hair And Makeup Products

Find The Right Hair And Makeup Products© Photo by iStock: Vuk Saric

Wearing make-up this June? Your face will—literally—begin to melt, transforming a slick of eyeliner into a cosplay of Beetlejuice. Hair, too, likes to frizz in the manner of an electrocuted poodle. Never mind though, as this actually helps to avert people’s eyes from the unavoidable sweat patches that will form in places you didn’t even think they could.

Luckily, Japanese drugstores, as well as lifestyle shops like Loft and Tokyu Hands, are stocked full of beat-the-heat inventions like wipes, face mists, sweat pads, waterproof mascara and lightweight hair serums. There are tons of products out there; start with the holy trinity of deodorant sheets (also called cleansing or refresh sheets), blotting papers for skin (sometimes called beauty papers) and a cooling spray.

Bioré’s Sara Sara Powder Sheets are a classic deo-sheet choice and come in a variety of ten-pack fruity scents and colorful designs.

See our 5 Hair Tips To Get You Through Japan’s Rainy Season and 5 Makeup Survival Tips for Japan’s Rainy Season for more.

3. Carry A Sweat Towel

Carry A Sweat Towel© Photo by iStock: kumikomini

In Japan, it’s perfectly acceptable to towel-dry yourself in public and actually encourages a kind of I’m sweaty-you’re sweaty-we’re all sweaty sisterhood (though you would never share a sweat towel as far as we know). Japan is the land of towels, so you could mix it up with a different cloth for work and play or match the pattern to your umbrella for uber-chic tsuyu style. The 100 yen shop’s colossal range can give you an idea of the overwhelming towel choices that you’re up against. Department, lifestyle and Japanese gift stores are an excellent way to upgrade your sweat towel status to the Mario Testino towel series level.

We like these adorable animal-themed towels (¥1,870) from You+More!

Covering up during summer is a big thing here in Japan; there’s much more to know about Japan’s sun protection culture!

4. Beware Of Mold And Bugs

Beware Of Mold And Bugs© Photo by iStock: Ilya Burdun

If we were living Game of Thrones in real life, our house motto for this month would definitely be “mold is coming.” The rainy season equals party time for mold and bugs, and you’ll spot them appearing uninvited in several areas of your home, ready to stick stubbornly like the Shroud of Turin, taunting you with their ridiculous staying power.

Beat mold back by being strict with yourself (we know it’s hard, but you’ve got to). Put away the futon every day, run the fan in the bathroom and open the windows with a fly screen whenever possible. Religiously spraying vulnerable areas with カビキラー (kabi kiraa; “mold-killer”) will also help. Don’t leave wet clothes in the washing machine or food out of the fridge unless you want your house to smell like a canal.

For all things bugs, we have a whole article on How To Bug Proof Your Japanese Home This Summer, so make sure to check that out.

5. Distract Yourself With Seasonal Events And Activities

Japanese Traditions: Teru Teru Bozu© Photo by iStock: Arthit Pornpikanet

It might be a personal preference, but we do think that Japan looks rather beautiful in the rain. Hike up those rain boots and get snapping arty Instagram photos of umbrellas at the scramble crossing or a rain-soaked businessman biking underneath a bridge. Tokyo’s hydrangeas, which are in full bloom during tsuyu, are also beautifully photogenic. For those who choose to stay at home, why not get crafty and make a teru teru bozu, otherwise known as “Japanese rain-prevention dolls”, to ward off the rain and hope for sunshine.

Let us know if you have any tips about the rainy season in Japan in the comments.

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