©Photo by Tokyo Coding Club

Tokyo Coding Club’s Code Quest Camps 2024

Gear Up For An Epic Fall

By The Savvy Team
September 26, 2024
Families, Sponsored Post

As the school year gets into full swing, weekends and school breaks become the perfect opportunity for your child to dive into new adventures.

This fall, the Tokyo Coding Club is offering a series of exciting Code Quest Camps designed to make the most of those precious days off. Whether your child is a curious coder, an aspiring game designer or a budding tech enthusiast, these camps are packed with hands-on learning, creativity and a whole lot of fun.

Why Join Our Code Quest Fall Camps?

Why Join Our Code Quest Fall Camps? Tokyo Coding Club Code Quest Camps© Photo by Tokyo Coding Club
  • Hands-On Learning: Kids won’t just be watching or listening—they’ll be doing! Tokyo Coding Club’s expert instructors guide them through coding, robotics and game design lessons, making sure they learn by creating and collaborating.
  • Holiday Fun: Who says learning can’t be fun? These camps are timed perfectly with school breaks and weekends, turning idle days into opportunities for exploration and excitement.
  • Creative Projects: From coding their first game in Scratch to designing intricate worlds in Minecraft and Roblox, kids will have the chance to bring their ideas to life in a supportive and inspiring environment.

Tokyo Coding Club’s Code Quest Camps are crafted for kids ages five to 12 and welcome all skill levels. So whether your child is just starting out or already has some tech skills under their belt, they’ll find plenty to explore and achieve at Code Quest.

Extraordinary Day Camps in Tokyo

October Break Camp (Tokyo)

October Break Camp (Tokyo)© Photo by Tokyo Coding Club

School’s out, and the tech fun is just beginning! Join in for four action-packed days during the October break. The Code Quest October Break Camp is all about cutting-edge tech education mixed with fall-themed activities that will keep your child engaged and inspired. This is the perfect way to make the most of their time off from school.

Thanksgiving Weekend Camp

Thanksgiving Weekend Camp© Photo by Tokyo Coding Club

Ready for the best weekend ever? The Thanksgiving Weekend Camp includes both best-in-class tech education and enjoyment of Tokyo’s gorgeous fall colors and weather. It’s an unforgettable way to spend the weekend, where your child will learn new skills and enjoy the spirit of the season.

Winter Break Camp (Tokyo)

Winter Break Camp (Tokyo)© Photo by Tokyo Coding Club

Celebrate the start of the holiday season with a tech twist! The Winter Break Camp offers four days of exciting activities that mix tech ed with local excursions. It’s the perfect way for your child to kick off the holidays while building their creativity and analytical skills.

Exciting Sleepaway Camps in Gunma

October Break Camp (Gunma)

October Break Camp (Gunma)© Photo by Tokyo Coding Club

Tokyo Coding Club invites students aged six to 12 to this exciting fall adventure in the heart of Gunma! In partnership with Nishimachi International School, TCC presents an unforgettable Code Quest camp set amidst the vibrant autumn landscapes of Kazuno in Gunma Prefecture. Your child will experience the perfect blend of outdoor exploration and hands-on tech learning, all while surrounded by the stunning colors of fall and the tranquility of Gunma’s mountains and hot springs.

Winter Break Camp (Gunma)

Winter Break Camp (Gunma) Tokyo Coding Club Code Quest Camps© Photo by Tokyo Coding Club

Calling all tech enthusiasts and nature lovers! The Winter Break Camp in Gunma is the ultimate adventure for students aged six to 12. Your child can immerse themselves in tech education while enjoying the breathtaking scenery of Kazuno in Gunma Prefecture. This unique camp offers a mix of gaming, coding and outdoor fun, all within the serene setting of Gunma’s mountains and hot springs.

Spaces for the remaining 2024 camps are limited, so don’t wait—secure your spot today! Give your child a fall season full of discovery, innovation and memories they’ll cherish for a lifetime.

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