©Photo by iStock: teptong

Goya: Okinawa’s Superfood That Helps Lower Blood Sugar And More

Cooked or as a smoothie, this bitter vegetable is a gift from nature

The Japanese proverb "Ryouyaku wa kuchi ni nigashi" (Good medicine tastes bitter) is the story of Goya.

Okinawa has become famous worldwide as one of the areas with the most centenarians, and much attention is focused on the Okinawan diet. When the prefecture spends a day in May honoring a vegetable called goya, it clearly suggests that it’s one staple to which the locals attribute much of their well-being.

What is Goya?

Growth of bitter melon growing in a vegetable garden© Photo by iStock: stoickt

Goya (ゴーヤ), also known as “bitter melon” or “bitter gourd” in English, is the green, bumpy, cucumber-shaped vegetable you will find in abundance in the fresh produce section of any Japanese supermarket. As the English name suggests, it has a very distinct and often acquired taste that can be either loved or loathed. Regardless of the taste preferences, there is no denying the amazing health benefits of this Okinawan classic.

Health Benefits

Health Benefits© Photo by iStock: Yuuji

In addition to being rich in vitamins and minerals, goya has long been used as a medicine for a range of health conditions, including type 2 diabetes. It possesses a phytonutrient, polypeptide-P, which can lower blood sugar levels in the body. In addition, a unique substance found in goya, called charantin, increases the metabolism of glucose in the body.

Ayurveda (traditional Hindu medicine) and traditional Chinese medicine have long used bitter melon for their blood-purifying and detoxifying qualities. The bitter element has a cooling and cleansing effect on the body, which is especially good for the liver and gallbladder, treating kidney stones and reducing water retention. The blood-purifying properties believed to be present in goya can have a positive effect on the skin and reduce conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.

In addition, goya stimulates digestion, can regulate bowel movements, aids in weight loss, and has been used in treatments to kill cancer cells. It is high in vitamins B, C, E and K, as well as folates, while being very low in calories. It is also said to help with hangovers.

How To Use It

Goya Chanpuru in Okinawa, Japan© Photo by iStock: kyonntra

Goya can be cooked in various dishes, used in salads, or drank as juice or smoothie. The classic dish using this vegetable in Japan is goya champuru, a stir-fry easy meal cooked with eggs and tofu. But you can get more creative with the vegetable and make stuffed goya, pickles or tempura, or simply fry or bake it and add it to a healthy salad. If you have a juicer at home, another alternative is to get your goya fix through an amazing green detoxifying elixir (see recipe below).

One of the biggest challenges with this vegetable can be its palatability. If you find eating goya a challenge, try some of these tips:

  • To get something less bitter, buy dark green, firm and young goya from your local supermarket or vegetable stand. They’re also the tastiest during their peak season of May through August.
  • Slice lengthwise and remove the inner seeds and rind. These parts are for the very seasoned goya-eater. Once seeds and rind are removed, soak or boil in salted water for five to 10 minutes to reduce the bitterness of the melon.
  • To become accustomed to the strong taste, add small quantities of goya to stir-fries along with lean meats, tofu, eggs and other vegetables.

Recipe: Green Goya Juice

Recipe: Green Goya Juice© Photo by iStock: Teen00000


  • 1 goya (inner seeds and rind removed)
  • 1 small green apple
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 2 sticks celery
  • ½ lemon
  • Small piece of ginger (optional)


  1. Wash all fruit and vegetables well.
  2. Add all ingredients through a juicer, stir well and drink immediately. Feeling better already?

Using this recipe? Share your photos with us via Facebook or Instagram with a hashtag #savvytokyorecipe . Enjoy! Xx


Tanaquil LeMaster says:

Will it effect blood thinner?

Debbie says:

Where can you buy this?

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