Your Summer Guide to At-Home Foot Care
Tips To Put Your Best Feet Forward
Ready to take on the streets, one perfect foot at a time!
Summertime means sandal season. That means a lot of exposing our feet—a part of the body that we often pay little attention to during the cooler seasons. And as soon as summer hits, we go into instant panic mode, with feet definitely not ready to see the world.
To avoid that critical gaze of friends, family and strangers, it’s important to get our feet in tip-top condition. Fast.
Here, we’ll be sharing three common foot problems and Savvy explanations to treat them. These at-home solutions will help you achieve soft, smooth feet that you can proudly show off in those cute mules and open-toe, strappy sandals.
Cracked heels

It’s a classic summer foot problem. And it was only a matter of time before the pressure on your heels from sneakers and shoes (often hard and flat) would take its toll on your feet. Callus can quickly dry out and next thing you know, the skin around your heels is rough and hard before it eventually cracks. Small cracks are more often than not painless. But if you leave them untreated, they can worsen, become bigger, and crack the healthy skin underneath, causing your poor feet to bleed.
Savvy Solution:
To gently remove the hard, cracked skin, keep your feet in lukewarm, soapy water for up to 20 minutes. Then, use a foot scrub, brush, or pumice stone to remove the hard, thick skin. Gently pat your feet dry and apply a thick moisturizer or heel balm to the affected area. You don’t need a fancy or expensive moisturizer, but you do need to moisturize your feet religiously to prevent your heels from drying out and cracking further.
Product recommendation: Aisen Karuishi Brush (¥385)
Extra Savvy Tip:
After moisturizing your feet, wear socks to bed! We recommend trying out something like the Sosu Perorin Care Socks for Heels. This silk sock with a four-layered weave will repair your damaged skin while also keeping moisture in the skin. You can also wear another pair of socks on top of it.
Product recommendation: Sosu Perorin Care Socks for Heels (¥1320)
Thick Calluses and Dry, Flaking Skin

Caused by a lack of moisture and the heat and humidity, you’ll find the heel and sole area particularly affected. That’s because these areas have fewer oil glands compared with the skin elsewhere on the body. Wearing closed shoes also creates a hot and humid environment for your feet which draws moisture and leads to those dry feet. Not good.
Savvy Solution:
Foot soaks, regular exfoliation, and moisturizers can remove dead skin and calluses, combat dry skin, and prevent them from returning.
One must-try product, surely you’ve heard of it, is Baby Foot. Gaining a worldwide recognition, it truly is a miracle product. Baby Foot is a chemical peel that promises to peel away all your flaky skin and rid your soles of the toughest calluses. It contains natural extracts and acids that get into the top layer of your skin, break the connections in the dead skin cells up, and 2-3 days later, you’ll see your feet start to shed like snakeskin. It sounds totally gross, but at the same time, is extremely satisfying. The process is completely painless.
Worried about whether it’s safe? For most people, yes. However, if you have any warts, open sores, or very sensitive skin, it’s better to consult a doctor or skip this completely. Some of the acids included can irritate sensitive skin.
Product recommendation: 30 min Baby Foot Care (¥1760)
Extra Savvy Tip:
Having trouble with really stubborn, stiff skin? It’s time for an upgrade. Try the 60 min Baby Foot. The results, again, are shockingly impressive.
Product recommendation: 60 min Baby Foot Care (¥1760)
Athlete’s Foot (水虫)

Athlete’s foot in Japanese is mizumushi (水虫), which literally translates to “water insects.” It is a fungal infection that you often get from walking barefoot in public showers or pools and exercising hard while wearing closed-in shoes. The main symptoms of mizumushi are itchy white patches and crack skin usually found around/between the toes that may appear red.
Savvy Solution:
For mild forms of this condition, an at-home water and vinegar solution might do the trick. Vinegar has a lot of benefits and has been found to slow the growth of foot fungus.

To make the vinegar foot soak, dilute one-part vinegar with two-parts water. Soak your feet for approximately 10 to 15 minutes every day. It may take about two to three weeks to see improvement in symptoms. You could also soak your socks in vinegar.
Extra Savvy Tip:
Prevention is key. It is recommended that you keep your feet dry and wear breathable socks.

In the case that it’s severe, it is best to consult a doctor. Do not leave it untreated as it may get worse. Sometimes, OTC medication is not enough, so it’s best to seek professional advice.
How do you take care of your feet during the warmer months? Let us know if you have any feet-related tips or home remedies that keep you walking with your toes and heels on show! Comment below.
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