Spend a Night with Godzilla in Shinjuku
Last month, the Hotel Gracery in Shinjuku debuted a handful of new Godzilla-themed rooms, giving visitors to Tokyo the chance to experience a night like...
By Camille Perry
May 14, 2015 |
Lifestyle, Out & About
Knife Shopping in Kappabashi
One of the most satisfying shopping trips in Tokyo would have to be to the area called Kappabashi, or Kitchen Town. Here the main street...
By Cheryl White
May 13, 2015 |
Going Paleo in Japan
With many celebrities, professional athletes and health food gurus advocating its benefits, the Paleo Diet is something you've probably heard a lot about recently....
By Luisa Heenan
May 12, 2015 |
Food & Drink, Health & Beauty
Serene Sleep: Stay a Night in a Koyasan Temple
First appear the mist-shrouded mountains, regally rising from the horizon. Then your train races through a towering bamboo grove, each stalk the width of a...
By Jessamine McHugh
May 7, 2015 |
Lifestyle, Out & About
Tokyo on Foot: Hidden Shinagawa
Shinagawa is a deceptive suburb. An urban commuter hub and entertainment area, it is also home to the Prince Hotel complexes and many apartment blocks....
By Cheryl White
May 6, 2015 |
Max Brenner, Hiroo: A Chocolate Lover’s Haven
When the first Max Brenner chocolate bars opened in Tokyo last year, there was, predictably, much fanfare and long lines of people waiting for their...
By Mia Moranza
May 4, 2015 |
Food & Drink
Post a Letter Events Hit Tokyo
Here's something that may make even digital addicts will forget their smartphones and screens for an hour or two. The "Post a Letter" movement just...
By Katharina von Tschurtschenthaler
May 1, 2015 |
The Slow Life on Zamami Island, Okinawa
Have you ever wondered why people from Okinawa are among the longest-living on earth? Scientists can debate the suspected reasons until they're blue in the...
By Katharina von Tschurtschenthaler
April 30, 2015 |
Adventures, Lifestyle
Japanese Cheat Sheet: Gardening
With Golden Week beginning, the weather looking fantastic, and Greenery Day just around the corner, it's a great time to head down to your local...
By The Savvy Team
April 29, 2015 |
Celebrating Mother’s Day the Healthy Way
Leading into what will be my first Mother’s Day as a mom myself, I want to gently guide my present buyer into some suitable and...
By Luisa Heenan
April 28, 2015 |
Health & Beauty, Lifestyle
Get Your Cute Fix at One of Tokyo’s Rabbit Cafes
If you are not a cat person but would still like the chance to cuddle with a furry friend, do not despair. In 2011 (the...
By Camille Perry
April 27, 2015 |
Food & Drink