©Photo by Becca Takano

Horoscope: Stars Over Tokyo December 2017

Holiday sparkles add a joyous illumination to the stars

By Cathy Moe
December 1, 2017
Lifestyle, Monthly Horoscope

Neptune sprinkles peppermint dreams as Mars fans Christmas hearts to glow even warmer.

If you’re wondering why there are 13 signs in this zodiac — the additional Ophiuchus (Nov 30 – Dec 17) — you can read the explanation in our first horoscope of the series. Only interested in reading your own ‘scope? Click on your sign below!

CAPRICORN (Jan 19 – Feb 15)
AQUARIUS (Feb 16 – Mar 11)
PISCES (Mar 12 – Apr 18)
ARIES (Apr 19 – May 13)
TAURUS (May 14 – June 19)
GEMINI (June 20 – July 20)
CANCER (July 21 – Aug 9)
LEO (Aug 10 – Sep 10)
VIRGO (Sep 11 – Oct 30)
LIBRA (Oct 31 – Nov 22)
SCORPIO (Nov 23 – Nov 29)
OPHIUCHUS (Nov 30 – Dec 17)
SAGITTARIUS (Dec 18 – Jan 18)

CAPRICORN January 19 – February 15

Psychic Tune-in: &&&
Karmic Credits: ++++
Destiny Debits: – –

Jupiter trines Neptune Dec. 2. Festive moods feel good all over. Then Mercury trines Uranus Dec. 10. Changes may require an adjustment. Destiny aspects play up Dec. 16. Choices made create your future — now. Dec. 21 you’re calm and collected, a complete role model. Too much pressure? Release it biking with the kids at the Imperial Palace Garden or be ninja warriors at Heiwanomori Park. Reflections are a gift during the Winter Solstice on Dec. 22. Venus merges your efforts with Saturn’s savvy starting Dec. 25. These two bring comfort, security and a little luxury, too. Happy Holidays!

AQUARIUS February 16 – March 11

Psychic Tune-in: &&
Karmic Credits: ++
Destiny Debits: – – – –

Mars opposes Uranus on Dec. 1. Quick changes set things in motion. On Dec. 10, Venus and Neptune may not agree how to express affection. Wait this one out until Dec. 14 or 15, a smoother time to reach your goals. Mercury trines the Moon’s North Node on Dec. 16. It’s a destiny aspect based on your feelings. The Winter Solstice influences holiday choices during its longest shadow. Venus makes a tight connection with Saturn on Dec. 25. These two offer luxury and relaxation with a long-term view!

PISCES March 12 – April 18

Psychic Tune-in: &&&
Karmic Credits: +++
Destiny Debits: – – – –

The Mars — Uranus opposition Dec. 1 amps up the holidays. Then Jupiter trines Neptune and logic starts to dissolve. Venus adds a luxury touch when she trines the Moon’s North Node on Dec. 14. Stop at a pop-up ice skating rink or splurge on a dessert and champagne outing for light-filled memories. Saturn and the Sun highlight your potential Dec. 21. The Winter Solstice offers a seductive beauty as 2017 ebbs away. Your spiritual ideas go into action. Putting yourself out there changes everything. Venus and Saturn get together Dec. 25. They plan a new comfort level with security you can keep.

ARIES April 19 – May 13

Psychic Tune-in: &&
Karmic Credits: ++++
Destiny Debits: – –

Mars, your ruler, opposes Uranus on Dec. 1. Anything could happen — and probably will. Search your memories for what makes you happy. Add one tangible aspect to your morning routine. If you’re running out the door, keep a special treat for the hours you spend at work. The Sun trines Ceres on Dec. 8. You won’t break the rules if you add a micro-nutrient bomb to your diet. It’s your way to balance the holiday excess. Stand up for beauty joined with tradition as Venus conjuncts Saturn Dec. 25. You are about to feel secure as you prepare for an extra dollop of festivities!

TAURUS May 14 – June 19

Psychic Tune-in: &&
Karmic Credits: +++
Destiny Debits: – –

Doing the same thing day after day builds security, but isn’t it a bit boring? Break out as Mars opposes Uranus on Dec. 1. Mars moves fast and Uranus is a wild card. This is not your normal December. Venus squares Neptune Dec. 10. You may search for love and beauty, finding it elusive. Not forever, though. Venus trines Uranus Dec. 20. This is a magnetic attraction so sudden and unexpected, the stars are the limit. Venus puts it into a framework that will last. This goddess of the body beautiful connects with trustworthy Saturn on Dec. 25. Consider a classy Christmas concert before 2017 ends!

GEMINI June 20 – July 20

Psychic Tune-in: &&&&
Karmic Credits: ++++
Destiny Debits: – –

If holidays were about cosmic connections and living by your Gemini wit, you’d be set. Oh, wait! So much does depend on when the heavens offer you the red carpet, or if you’ve got your flirty eyelashes on. Want to practice a starry-eyed look? Go for Lashionista or Fasio Curl to frame what’s in the windows of your soul. Having fun yet? Lighten the days as they get shorter until the Winter Solstice. You sound logical when you escape out the door to yet another celebration. Enjoy Venus as she accepts the strength and responsibilities of Saturn. These two help build a better future for you starting Dec. 25.

CANCER July 21 – August 9

Psychic Tune-in: &&
Karmic Credits: ++++
Destiny Debits: – – –

Cancers know how to nourish others, but do you lavish any on yourself? Mars opposite Uranus Dec. 1 can push your buttons. Stand, stretch, breathe. Try an invigorating peppermint scent or have a chocolate mocha moment. It may not be easy to think your way through the glitter, but you do feel what’s real. The Sun squares Chiron Dec. 15. It brings up healing and the past. You might run down to Don Quijote to fix what ails. You could also hang in there for the Winter Solstice, when light and dark dance in the shadows. Venus connects to Saturn Dec. 25. This is luxury and security at its best!

LEO August 10 – September 10

Psychic Tune-in: &&&
Karmic Credits: +++
Destiny Debits: – – – –

Mars opposes Uranus Dec. 1, setting a new pace. Change and magnetic attractions are highlighted. The Sun trines Ceres Dec. 8. More destiny diamonds, just in time for the holidays. There’s a glamor aspect that comes with being a Leo. To further your big cat reputation, try the sensual look of HR Lash Queen Feline. You’ll be batting your winter proof lashes in no time! Venus trines Uranus on Dec. 20. More surprises, so enjoy the festivities. Relax in the knowledge that Venus conjunct Saturn brings beauty, love, and stability starting Dec. 25.

VIRGO September 11 – October 30

Psychic Tune-in: &&
Karmic Credits: +++
Destiny Debits: – – –

Mars opposes Uranus Dec. 1. You’re energized by what feels lighter. In December, you can find love, spend time with your family and realize you are a star, too. News you hear Dec. 10 has a transforming effect. Curious about Lululun or Quality First facial masks? Economical yet luxurious, you’re drenched in beauty. Then ruling planet Mercury connects with Venus Dec. 15. Whatever you say, others hear it as a money maker. Watch for the Winter Solstice to be a revelation. You’re in your element, focused and crystal clear. Venus connects with Saturn on Dec. 25 to make sure your wish list comes true.

LIBRA October 31 – November 22

Psychic Tune-in: &&&&&
Karmic Credits: ++++
Destiny Debits: – – –

Mars and Uranus are on the opposition trail Dec. 1. They balance magic with magnetism. Jupiter brings shared reflections. Need a date night? No one to help with the kids? Check into CareFinder to keep romantic sparks glowing. The Sun connects with Mercury Dec. 12. Thoughts are brighter and worries lighter. You’ll feel shiny new as Mercury trines the Moon’s North Node Dec. 16. Optimism plus is your motto. Wisdom and a bit of torch-holding is your role Dec. 21. Then Venus adds you to her luxury list as Saturn offers security Dec. 25. Merry Christmas!

SCORPIO November 23 – November 29

Psychic Tune-in: &&
Karmic Credits: +++++
Destiny Debits: – –

Mars moves opposite Uranus Dec. 1. Surprises and adjustments are forecast. Just when you thought you’d take a holiday snooze! Events add romance to your busy schedule. December holds more promise than lights and tinsel. Mercury sextiles Mars Dec. 6, energizing friends and shopping. Venus squares Chiron Dec. 20. You may think the brakes have been applied. Give yourself time out from the festive rush. How about a White Christmas that’s both gluten- and dairy-free? It will give your body a reset. Venus joins with Saturn, so you can slip into luxury starting Dec. 25.

OPHIUCHUS November 30 – December 17

Psychic Tune-in: &&&&
Karmic Credits: +++
Destiny Debits: – –

Mars opposite Uranus rearranges the playing field Dec. 1. Sometimes there’s no way to figure out what’s thrown at you. Some things are impossible to hold onto — completely invisible to the touch. Jupiter trines Neptune Dec. 2. Talk about a spiritual wave! Your healing qualities rise to the occasion as the Sun squares Chiron Dec. 15. You can trust your choices Dec. 21. Keep everyone happy with Akihabara anime in the midst of last minute shopping. The Winter Solstice brings you closer to what’s real, away from adrenalized appetites. Venus connects with Saturn Dec. 25. Comfort and security are wrapped up in bows. Happy Christmas!

SAGITTARIUS December 18 – January 18

Psychic Tune-in: &&&&
Karmic Credits: ++++
Destiny Debits: – – –

Mars opposes Uranus Dec. 1. A surprise in your schedule begs for reaction. Take time to think — you’ll avoid a backlash. The holidays add sparkle and hope. Jupiter trines Neptune Dec. 2. Mystical moments are out in full force. If you missed the Laurus International School of Science interactive events, take the kids to read the subway map on the wall at Omotesando’s Dominique Ansel Bakery. The Sun squares Chiron Dec. 15. Skip self-doubt and enjoy a hot bath. The Winter Solstice reflects a new cycle about to begin. Venus connects with Saturn Dec. 25. This is a luxury and security aspect for you to enjoy.

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